
17 Art Reviews w/ Response

All 73 Reviews

good job

TotallyNotSandNG responds:

thank you

have you seen the new sonic 2 movie figures? (the articulation suck, the body mold gets in the way of any decent movement, and they also feel kind of cheap.) good job on the figure! just wanted to complain about the figures based on the movies lol.

wakeangel2001 responds:

I've reviewed the movie figures on my youtube channel, they're actually pretty good. The only flaws are Robotnik lacking bicep swivels and Knuckles' dreads making it hard to move his head, no real issues there. Unless you were talking about the 2.5 inch figures, which have much more limited articulation but on par with all of Jakks' Sonic figures at that scale, can't really judge them against this standard

I've noticed in all your drawings the proportions are a bit off but overall not a bad job :)

Monkeywatergun responds:


love your art style! can I ask what filter you use to get that grainy look?

anem0ia responds:

clip studio has it's own noise generator, just at the top of the window.
Filter > Generate > Perlin noise

i wish for you to teach me your ways. i love your style and all of the detail you put into it :3

anderhorlo responds:

Thanks . Maybe you can start from imitate the artist you like and practice how to draw in your own style . That's what i did at first

Spamton is based and so is this drawing

SlowDraw responds:

thank you : )

Idk what filter you use on top of your drawings but I love the texture.

As for what you said. I completely understand the thinking too much and too far, my thoughts are a scrambled mess. Just know that your allowed to express yourself, and there are people who care!

MachiToons responds:

The thoughts in my head are almost too clear, I don't worry if I can express my thoughts Im more worried if I should, I think some of them are bordering on harmful.

as for the filter: its mostly a 2px blur and a gradient map, tho often ill also add some noise and bloom

When Ben actually looks like the statue from majoras mask 👌🏼 10/10.
*in a Gordon Ramsey voice* finally some good fuckin’ art!

Edit: your response has me cracking up. Like I seriously don’t want to explain to my family why I’m laughing.

stupidvampire responds:

EXACTLY! I always see girls drawing him making him like super ripped or making him look like that one Link skin from super smash Bros but let's be honest, he looks like he breathes from his mouth and he looks like he smells like cat pee and wears Minecraft merchandise unronically.

Can I do fan art of this design?

Mirkytea responds:

Yeah go for it!

Dude I love all your art. The dark blues with be sharp contrast of the reds is just beautiful.

Xlyphon responds:

Thanks pal! glad you like my squares :D

i draw NSFW art sometimes lol.
Commissions are open!
On hiatus but might sporadically post art

Taylor @GhostBotMellow

Age 21, they/Them

On hiatus

sonic fan, and a furry


Joined on 5/27/21

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